Our email address has changed. Please update to info@nolting.com. You can reach us at (319) 378-0999.  | News |  |
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Hi, I wanted to add this page to the web site so we can
relay any news to you and we have some.
Dave Hudson and Nolting Longarm have worked together for
more than two decades. Dave worked at Nolting and also
sold Nolting longarms at quilt shows for years. Nolting
has sold Diff'rent Strokes patterns and also gave some
away with every full system purchase. This long-term
relationship has now lead to Nolting purchasing Diff'rent
Strokes. Dave has decide to scale back and to take time
to pursue other interests. We wish him well with that and
plan to continue working with him as his time allows.
We at Nolting Longarm want your business. We plan to
continue offering the paper patterns and adding to the
collection. We want to continue the relationship you have
with the Patternman.
We will be working hard to make the transition as smooth
as possible. I wish I could say it will be hard to notice
but that would be unreasonable. We plan to do more and
better. Please bare with us as we get the inventory
transferred and get the printer and people trained so
they can provide you with the best quality products and
service. You will be rewarded for your patience and
If you are interested in a wholesale account please give
me or Rhonda a call. We want you to carry and sell our
We look forward to working with you. Please check back
with us often.
Daniel Terrill
Nolting Longarm